My personal top 10 WordPress plugins

Plugins are vital to a WordPress website. Plugins add functionality, which is not standard in WordPress. Especially when it is not easy to code this functionality yourself, plugins are a godsend. Over the years I have used many plugins around.…

Add the expires header

To speed up your WordPress website, it is very useful to add the expires header to the .htaccess file. With the expires header you tell the browsers that the files that are loaded by your website, will not change for…

How to remove plugins, completely

Plugins are excellent to extend the functionality of your website. You’ve done a lot to be sure you use the right plugin. You’ve tested it and everything looks good. So you installed and activated the plugin on your “live” website.…

How to speed up a WordPress website?!

A challenge for every WordPress website owner: making (and keeping!) the website fast. WordPress in itself isn’t slow. Mostly the theme, plugins and the content like images will cause performance issues. Why faster? A fast loading website, will be ranked…

How to choose the right plugin?

Plugins offer a great opportunity to extend the functionality of your website. WordPress itself has a lot of options, but it’s not unthinkable you want more. A few plugins are inevitable to start with, like anti-spam, a contact form and…

Optimize images with WP Smush

Images belong to the biggest parts of a web page. The bigger the image, the longer it takes to load. At worst, you can see the image build up line by line! And a fast loading page is important. For your…